


Kalakand, or Qalaqand (Hindi: क़लाक़न्द) is a popular Indian sweet made out of solidified, sweetened milk and cottage cheese. It owes it origin to the milk-rich Braj region of Uttar Pradesh. Kalakand is famous in Alwar, Rajasthan, India.

All you need for the delicious dish..

8cups of milk - 4cups of milk to make paneer, 4cup to add later
3tbsp lemon juice
Half a cup of Sugar
Sliced Pista & Badam  to garnish


Process of making paneer:
In a tick bottomed pan, add little bit of water and pour 4 cups of milk into it. Allow it to boil under medium heat, for sometime. Adding water to the milk will avoid, milk getting burnt.

Once it is boiled, add lemon juice slowly. Stir for a minute, remove from flame and allow it to cool.

After cooling, the paneer milk will look this.

Strain the paneer using cloth and wash it in cold water. This will take out the flavor of lemon from paneer. Get as much as water from the paneer and keep aside.

Process of making kalakand:

Boil 4 cups of milk in a thick bottomed pan in medium low flame. Don't add water in this milk.

Once it is boiled, add paneer. Break the paneer and add it.

Keep stirring continuously.

Add sugar, when the mixture comes to this texture and mix well.

Cook for a minute and remove from flame.

Spread it on a greased plate, Garnish with Badam and Pista. Cut into pieces, once it becomes cool.

Sweets were always not good for a healthy diet. So, just have it as a treat. don't overtake it, as you will tend to put on more weight. Check out the attached nutrition facts for more details.


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